I met the other woman. Yeah. Her.
Am not going to give her a title because at this point we can't tell who was who. If anything, I think we both owned whatever title it is you thought was fit for us. The main. The number two. The side. Whichever.
I met the other woman. And my story is different.
I remember that day, we were still going through our nasty breakup that couldn't seem to come to an end. I had decided to completely cut you off everywhere. The trauma was just too much to deal with. Until that specific day when I was so deep into my nap then my phone rang. Strange number. I wasn't sure about picking that call cause definitely I thought it was you. I answered it anyway. It was her. The other woman. She introduced herself and the minute she mentioned your name, I lost it. Argh. How dare she?? I mean was my sleep just interrupted for this nonsense? I was pissed.
I can't remember what I told her exactly, I just know it was ugly. I know I didn't say nice things but I wasn't sorry. At that time. I couldn't go back to my sleep. I was mad. Either way, I recollected myself, woke up and texted her. I wanted to know her side of the story. We started a conversation and as it turned out, you said I was history a long time ago yet we were still dating; till she came across me in your shenanigans. Could I blame her? No. She was just me but we thought differently of each other. In the process of getting familiar with each other, I found out more about you. You played both of us. And here we were sharing the same pain. This other woman gave me more reasons to move on. She came with the trailer, you know, everything else I didn't know about. After all that frustration, I reached to a point I just had to cut her off. Don't get me wrong, I just didn't want any vibe to do with you. She's a great person though.
I met the other woman. She sent me a friend request on Facebook.
I had known about her way before. But this time I was the other one. I didn't know. I've never been the type to come in between someone's relationship. I wouldn't want that happening to me so why would I do it to someone else? When I found out about her, I chose to stay away even though you still denied that she wasn't yours. I did my digging. And yeah, what more evidence did I need. Still you denied her, but of course they never accept even when catch them live. It seems that when I decide to cut them off, is when they (she) pop up. So am forgetting about you and all and then bam! I get that notification. She just sent you a friend request. I was shook. First, I know the damage I caused which I had no idea about. Then, I wasn't just ready for the questions and the drama.
I sat there staring at my phone. Why would she? Did she want to shame me online? Like put me up on Kilimani Mums? I had lotsa questions making rounds in my head. I accepted the request anyway. I was innocent. She just came and settled. Nothing. I wouldn't lie, I was tempted to send her a message. I was curious. Like why wasn't she reacting? Why wasn't she saying anything. To make it worse she would like and comment on my photos. That made me feel guilty in a way. Girl, I didn't mean to. I had no idea you existed. You were played and yeah sorry it was with me. I just want you to know he never claimed you. Even after getting all the evidence. But am sure you know it was me. I know you cursed, hated and despised me. All I can say is am sorry.
I haven't met these two women in reality. Remember I said mine is different not because I haven't met them but because I experienced it differently. One she was the other woman, to the next I was the other woman. I've been on both sides of the coin. And I can bet a higher percentage of women have been labeled the "other woman". I don't want this to be about men. To hell with them. I want this to be about me and her. Ladies, I want you to understand one thing, she is NEVER your enemy. Not unless she wants to be. I know there is that breed of ladies who intentionally choose their battle. Am talking to that group who just find themselves in that situationship.
You meet a guy, he's all over you, talking about how much he's interested in you and all that shit. Most guys are single until you find her. Lol. Fact. Why they do this? We can't really tell. But what makes me really sad, is that ladies choose to fight the other woman. Fine, she destroyed your marriage, relationship or whatever. But get to listen to her side of the story. I've seen videos online of ladies ganging up with her crew to literally attack the other woman. What is wrong with you??? Like when did we stoop so low? I mean when did we get here? Even if she knew, you should be questioning your man why he opened the door and let her in. It takes two to tango. So if you have to deal, deal with both sides.
As much as you would want to blame her for spoiling it, you should keep in mind it was your selfish partner who ruined it. One thing I had to learn the hard way. No matter the situation, he's to blame as well. And I know you going to suffer in grief and agony thinking why you were not good enough. I know that feeling. It's a horrible feeling. You will look at her pictures and see the features and qualities she has that you feel you lacked. You will feel degraded. You will feel resentment. Its okay. When you done with all that, you''ll have to keep in mind that having this other woman in the picture was never you fault. It was him. Not you.
As for being the other woman, *sigh* well... If you knew, am not talking to you, We can't be friends. But if you truly didn't know, once you find out, just walk away. You found her there, it would be fair to let her deal with the situation without having have to deal with you. Let me address the main ones. Sometimes the side chic isn't your rival. Your man approached her, he got her interested, and got her in the mess. Why so much energy when its not entirely her fault? While you busy trolling Becky, your man is busy trying to keep her around. The truth is he's the main player in this game and its up to you to be the game changer. He is the one stringing both of you along. And he's enjoying it. So while you arguing with Felicia about who shares his bed most of the time, he's out there looking for number two and three. Like for how long are you going to be dealing with these other women?
We shouldn't even be having this conversation as women in the first place. My point is, stop striving to be the MAIN chic. Girl please, that just means you are the leader of a pack. Talking about "ride or die"..who are you? Get yourself a man. And stop holding down these boys. Once you realize that difference, your love life will be peaceful. Cheers to the Kings who treat women as queens. And cheers to the Queens who are mature enough to handle situations of the "other woman". Enough said.
God Bless!
My thoughts exactly, I never advocate for attacking the other woman..like you've said, she was brought into that mess with the man.
ReplyDeleteAll in All i am glad you are doing better now :-)
Good riddance to bad rubbish..
ReplyDeleteAmazing piece... I love it.