It ain't the first time I get to hear of an incident termed as "crime of passion"; I just never thought someone I knew would be a victim. That is when it really did hit me that these stories are real. They actually do happen. And they have been common nowadays till you wonder what has our society turned to.
On that fateful day it was announced in the class group that one of our own has passed. At first I was like "Fray? No!" When news started streaming in that she had been murdered, I thought maybe by thugs. But to my surprise, the killer turned out to be her ex-boyfriend! That is when I totally froze in my chair. Ex-boyfriend you say? You mean sour love killed her? But how? I couldn't believe it. So I logged into my Facebook account to see what everyone is saying. You know how it is nowadays. You need news, my friend just get to Facebook or Twitter.
My first notification was of a post I was tagged announcing her sudden demise. Going through my news feed it was all about her. All kind of stories. I didn't even know what to believe. I was still in shock about what had happened to her. I couldn't believe it. Why would someone be so inhuman? I mean how do you even think of murdering someone? How?? Why?? So many questions were in my head.
At the end of it all, majority chose to believe that it was her fault. She brought herself to her own grave. Many of them didn't want to know who she was, what kind of life she had. I mean they chose to measure her life through her final decisions which they believe caused her her life. Harsh.
Personally, I knew Fray when I joined Ngi'iya Girls. She was such a happy soul. In form four she was my behind deskie. She always had so much to offer. Her interesting stories. She was bright too. I was a poor student in sciences and she was always ready to make me learn. "Ogode izi vitu unaeza; jaribu tu" (Ogode you can do this, just try) is what she always told me. And she would teach me till I got it right. She was also tidy, clean and ever neat. Her desk was always arranged and neat. Her uniform always clean and her extra white socks always at knee length. Then her laugh. Even as am thinking about it right now I just find myself giggling. So infectious! Or is it contagious? Whichever. When she laughed you also had to laugh too. Believe me whether you like it or not!
Its sad that her family had to loose her just after her graduation. I gurantee you that that girl had a bright future. She had energy. Positive energy. She was so lively! Her father through tears ascertained twice that he catered for her school fees and well-bieng through out her campus time. But no, they are still sure that that killer did pay her school fees. I mean lets be realistic. Look at the guy. Look at where he was living. No offence but what makes us be so sure that he was a "sponsor"?? Or is it me who doesn't get qualities of a "sponsor"? Anyway am not going to dig in into that.
You know after all has been said, one thing still lingers in my mind. We've only heard and seen one side of the coin. The other side is no more. Its only Fray who can tell us the other side.I mean what happened was between two. If only she had survived that horrific ordeal to tell us what really transpired between them that dark day, then maybe we could have judged the story differently. Who knows? Maybe she had her own pains that she no longer wanted to endure from the relationship. Maybe she had had enough. Just maybe.
What is love then? Is it right to say nowadays we have two kinds of love? The 1st Corinthians 13 kind of love or the sour bitter evil kind of love? I even don't know what to call it. Now we are talking about a young lady who's hands were chopped off cause her husband couldn't stand the fact that they can't have children. But it's not her fault! Its you!!! I don't know about the rest. But these recent incidents have really made me question about love, relationships and marriage. Can you really trust this person not to cause you harm or even your life!
Is it that we are blind? Or is it that we just never saw it coming. Or is it you can be the unlucky one to end up with a psychopath? Jeez I don't know anymore.
Fraynally Endinal Nyainda, my dear classmate and friend. As we lay you to rest on 12th August 2016, I pray your soul finds peace. A lot has been said about you, but please forgive them. As for your killer, I hope he gets help and also Jesus too. He needs Jesus. May also justice serves its excellent purpose.
For the society, never be so quick to judge or come up with your own stories. We never know who it could hit next. Its also about time we start condemning such violence. No one deserves this no matter what! Call a sin a sin with no justifications.
We shouldn't allow ourselves to get used to this. Such crimes shouldn't be common. Its never right, no matter what. Condemn domestic violence!
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R.I.P Atwech. We will miss you dear! |
Am sincerely sorry for the loss dear. May Atwech rest in peace. If we were angels we never would have crossed some paths, never would have come about crossroads.. Just perfection. But we, poor we.. Are just humans, we never know what fate holds for us in store. We just have to live and do it positively hoping all is gonna be well.