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(Photo Courtesy: lightpaintingphotography.com) |
Lately, I've been seeing posts on social media of young people passing away and it got me really thinking. But why? They haven't lived life to the maximum. There was still so much I know they wanted to achieve or experience. I mean there is just so much to this life. Places to travel, places to be, happy moments, exciting moments and all that but some day you might be gone and you haven't fulfilled your bucket list to th end.
Leave alone death, what if something happened and you couldn't accomplish your dreams the way you planned to? Like some guy my brother was talking about. You see this young man strived so hard to achieve his dream of being a pilot. He was living the life. Flying places and earning some good money. He was just getting to enjoy his new chosen career, his dream career until recently the dark "angel" decided to attack him.He was scheduled to fly a private jet one day at 3:00 am. On his way to the local airport driving his luxurious ride to do what he loved most, he got engaged into a serious accident and luckily he survived.
But on the bad side, he lost his right arm. Yeah the accident was so bad that when it happened he was still conscious and could see how his arm was totally shattered. He had to be flown to India for intensive treatment and still the worst happened. The doctors advised that his arm will have to be amputated. Are you already thinking of what am thinking? I mean its true what they say. Withing a blink of an eye, you could loose what you treasured most or even still loose everything. Loosing his right arm automatically snatches away his dream just like that. You can't fly a plane with one hand right? Am yet to know. Nothing is impossible above the ground.
So tell me? How does such a person face life? Everything has changed within a short time. You are forced to view life into a totally different angle. It so sad. Its just the same thing happening right now. Everyday you wake up to different stories of deadly tragedies and people dying. You living life knowing one day, or anytime, you can just be gone. Like the recent Huruma Tragedy. Am sure none of them knew such a tragedy was to befall them. Loosing everything and the worst of it all, loosing lives. No one planned one day to be gone or to loose their loved ones or loose all they have worked for. Its just sad.
What is life? Why are we really here if some day we would be gone?
I know you'll tell me we all have a purpose in this world. True. But what happens if you just gone like that without fulfilling your purpose? How do you even know you have fulfilled your purpose? Got a lot of questions in my head that probably wouldn't be that easy to get answers. I think and I believe we live in hope and faith. Hope for the better things to come and faith as they say for believing in the unknown. You have faith that you will get that which you trusting God for and hope that for sure you will get it. We never know what tomorrow holds but still we make plans for the next day as if we are for sure that they will happen. Luckily we wake up the next day and keep on with our plans but some day you might not wake up or even if you do something happens and takes a turn in your life.
I think thats our greatest fear. That one day things could turn to be different and suddenly change your life. Fear of the unknown. We are never prepared for it. I always remember of that humble girl during the Garrissa University attack. She was shot three times and was left in a state that she was paralyzed. She suffered severe backbone injury and now she has to go through life in a wheelchair. As if that was not enough, months later she lost her mum. Am still asking, what is life? But she has hope and faith for a better future. She believes that she will make it through.
My biggest concern is how we never taught how to face life when it decides to take a turn we didn't expect, how to handle things like loss or even how to die. I mean it just has to happen and we supposed to live with it. So cruel. Its like death or harsh is always there. Can seem far but sometimes too close. Like some people say they see it coming. To others its always just hovering around. For some it just comes and takes them away! I think its not fair. Why don't we really get to choose? If they say its inevitable, why cant we get to choose how to die then? Or when to die? Why does it happen just how it wills so?
Are we living anymore? Or we just passing time till its our time to leave. But like its always said, life is full of surprises! So true. Everyday you wake up to different events. Like even as am writing this there's someone somewhere giving life, another one just landed on that new job, someone just met the love of their life, one just got engaged, another is suffering a heartbreak, some poor lady somewhere is seriously sick, while a a man somewhere just survived an accident, someone is touring the world, a kid just celebrated his first birthday well as others are on a funeral celebrating life. Crazy I tell you. Fact still remains, the world just keeps on rotating. It never stops.
At the end of it all, we still have to celebrate the beauty of life. Its a gift and living it everyday is a blessing. The most important thing is to LIVE life like it would not happen again because the truth is we are not promised tomorrow. A lot can happen within a very short period of time, in a just a whisper of smoke, you could loose everything. And the sad truth is you never know.
Never take each day or moments for granted because we never know when we will run out of time. Make use of this life before its all gone. I've learnt one thing about life; it goes on.
God Bless!
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